wStoned Out Loud
As the Rolling Stones began their tour while welching on the more than quarter of a million dollar deal they made with my Friend, I started this e-Blogazine journal to document some of my experience of the fallout, and to create a forum for discussion and resources to reform the Music Industry. May Artists, Musicians, and Free People everywhere find it useful.

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-- John Perry Barlow: Slouching Towards Hollywood --

-- John Perry Barlow: Napster and the Death of the Music Industry --

-- Janis Ian: The Internet Debacle --

-- Janis Ian: Fallout --

-- Steve Albini: The Problem with Music --

-- Evan Coyne Maloney: Why the Music Industry Wants To Trash Your Computer --

-- Courtney Love: Courtney Love Does the Math --

-- Courtney Love: Courtney Love Does the Math
Print Version (all on one page)

-- Doug Chick: Don't Legalize Hacking by Record Companies --

-- Dave Manchester: We're Goin' BoomBoomBoom --

-- Dan Gillmor: We must engage in copyright debate --

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wMonday, August 12, 2002

Stones Tour Fraud 13 - My Say prelude; Mikey gets his site

Mikey gets his site

Yesterday and last night was a turbulent day with Delene and Mike. He called last night late and whined at her over non performance about deliverables, while she grew increasingly impatient with his excuses about why she could not be paid, nor be allowed to have the tools or information to accomplish what he seems to be demanding.

I'm under the impression that Mike Decaro truly believes and is pretending to himself that he can get away with not paying her up to date on her quarter of a million dollar (plus) contract. He really needs to get a clue about nonperformance himself, in my own judicious opinion. (heheh. my email is

Finally Delene did lose all patience and became totally unwilling to waste time any further on this idiot. She told him "When You decide to get serious, call me." With that she slammed down the phone and we both got back to work on our respective projects. Mick did try to call back twice after that. She answered the first time, and hung up on him (he was ranting, arrogant and abusive - "How Dare You Hang up on me!" - rather than the whine-ass. aside-he often oscillates back and forth between these poses. But Delene stood her ground. Sorry "Mick". No Mon, No Fun.

He had tried every gambit and excuse, and she called him on each and every one. It was beautiful to see.

Later, this afternoon, he called back in a more reasonable tone. He still whined about lots of water under the bridge, but did manage to be lucid enough to reach some sort of rapproachment with Delene. Result? I got kicked off the computer while she finished up the site.

Holy Shit. I was impressed. She went out to moreover and made a custom newsfeed to search for Rolling Stones Tour related stories, and installed a news page. She had a couple of questions about javascipt and pop-up windows, but overall she figured it out herself and got it finished. Then tripod's ftp server went down shortly after midnight, and she couldn't complete the file transfers.


I'm proud of her. Check it out here. I like the newspage with the pop-up windows. But that's just javascipt, a relatively simple call. The real value-add she gave Decaro and the Stones there is the customised news feed that goes out and searches for Stones-related stuff. It's handy. (editor's note: Delene let Dave, our Publisher tweak it out a little more, and that more targeted version - under our account, not hers - is what You see here at the left.)

Now if she can only start to get paid up to date. Ah, well either she will or she won't...there's always the road of litigation, liens, auctions, etc. in a Country of Laws. Let us hope it doesn't come to that.

In the meantime I was busy with getting newsfeeds for Stoned Out Loud (we all were). Dave got some too, and attended to getting set up on our new servers at and backing them up. There's going to be a few changes around here. We're growing fast, so don't be surprised by the new look in the next few hours and days. We all hope You like it.

-g.moss, editor

posted by gathering moss at 6:20 AM


Stoned Out Loud Goes Live!

As of sometime this evening EST, Stoned Out Loud has gone live on a commercially hosted server! We are hosting with Michal Wallace's most excellent, and can now be accessed (for the moment) free of ad banners. So now, in addition to and, You can reach us at ,

or if You're really drunk or have lazy thumbs (or no thumbs) or just spacebar-challenged, use . (eventually...I just checked and that dns entry hasn't yet made it's way around to my ISP from the originating registrar :-\ )

We're all real happy about getting our own real live shiny new domains, and are now going for a beer.


posted by gathering moss at 2:24 AM

Animal Breed Zip Code

Design (C)2002 DCM Consulting
Gathering Moss

Contents (C)2002 G. Moss

Stoned Out Loud