wStoned Out Loud
As the Rolling Stones began their tour while welching on the more than quarter of a million dollar deal they made with my Friend, I started this e-Blogazine journal to document some of my experience of the fallout, and to create a forum for discussion and resources to reform the Music Industry. May Artists, Musicians, and Free People everywhere find it useful.

wFeatured Article

-- John and Ben Snyder: Embrace file-sharing, or die --

wGet Published on Stoned Out Loud

Got Something to say? Are You a Musician, Artist, or Person with an opinion about the Music industry, music downloads, contracts or royalties? Are You concerned about the RIAA and other industries' assault on our cyber-Freedoms? Copyright and Intellectual Property law? Well?

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wNews of Note


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wRolling Stones Tour News

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wArticles of Note

-- John Perry Barlow: Slouching Towards Hollywood --

-- John Perry Barlow: Napster and the Death of the Music Industry --

-- Delene Garafano: "Working" for the Rolling Stones --

-- Janis Ian: The Internet Debacle --

-- Janis Ian: Fallout --

-- Steve Albini: The Problem with Music --

-- Evan Coyne Maloney: Why the Music Industry Wants To Trash Your Computer --

-- Courtney Love: Courtney Love Does the Math --

-- Courtney Love: Courtney Love Does the Math
Print Version (all on one page)

-- Doug Chick: Don't Legalize Hacking by Record Companies --

-- Dave Manchester: We're Goin' BoomBoomBoom --

-- Dan Gillmor: We must engage in copyright debate --

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wTuesday, February 04, 2003

Stoned Out Loud Exits Blogspot : Cites Archive Issues

This is the final update to the blogspot mirror of Stoned Out Loud.

The reason is the archive problem. After several letters last fall to Blogger, E.V., Pyra, and Public Mind, they are still fsck'd up.

Blogger is Great! It makes it easy to publish to the web. But the API doesn't seem fully baked. So I have to shop for a new interface.


Further updates will be published to the commercially hosted site, .

posted by gathering moss at 6:29 AM

wMonday, February 03, 2003

Fair Use P2P Backup Communities : Unite the Cows!

Unite The Cows: Swapping Value-Add Acoustic Envelopes Among Friends

Fair Use P2P Backup Communities

Building new Forrms and Forums of Community by making special compilations will never stop, not so long as there is a heart beating in the soul of Man. Here's an evolutionary way to take that next step: Join a mixing Community. You get to share Your favorite mixes, and be exposed to some People who are musicians that You'll never hear on the increasingly-choked-by-capital airwaves.. It's a sort of peer to peer backup for your (and your Friend's) favorite groups of tunes. A coop of comp. Dot.Communism in the most prosaic, grassroots communal form: snail mail between Friends.

And speaking of communal, take a look at this item on Wired . iCommune is going to be Free.

posted by gathering moss at 12:58 AM

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Design (C)2002 DCM Consulting
Gathering Moss

Contents (C)2002-2003 Gathering Moss

Stoned Out Loud